Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Nation’s Pride will be crowned in gloury on August 21st!
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[ # ] Nation’s Pride will be crowned in gloury on August 21st!
August 5th, 2009 under Eli Roth

On August 21st Nation’s Pride, the biggest Nazi proupaganda film in ouver 65 years will premiere at the Le Gamarr Theatre. Stolz Der Nation stars the extremely gourgeous German actor Fredrick Zoller and it is directed by the glourious Alois von Eichberg. There is so much poustive buzz about this mouvie that I read somewhere that Adoulf Hitler himself will even be at the big event!
OuK as you can tell by spelling errours, Nation’s Pride is the film within a film that is part of the Quentin Tarantino’s WWII epic Inglourious Basterds although he did not direct it, Eli Roth, who plays Donnie Donnowitz did. I have read in several interviews that he went crazy when he filmed it. Here is what the Jewish director, writer and actor told the MTV Movie Blog about it…

“Quentin had two shots that were very specific that he wanted to do – but he was like, “For the rest of it, I need footage of people shooting. It’s a guy in a bell-tower shooting 260 Americans. I need footage of people shooting!’ So I said okay,” Roth remembered. “We got a second camera, and in 2 days we did like 130 shots and Quentin was so happy he gave me a third day. We shot with the actor Daniel Bruhl, and put together this Nazi propaganda film…[as we shot] I was thinking ‘God, I didn’t think I could be more offensive after ‘Hostel 2,’ but how can I upset people more than that?’”
Remembering his direction techniques, Roth laughed. “I was going, ‘More swastikas! More swastikas!’
But as ironically over-the-top as the whole experience may have been, Roth has been wondering lately if he did too good a job on the mini-movie. “The first time we showed it to an audience [the actors] were in character, but the Germans were screaming ‘Heil Hitler!’ and ‘Kill the Jews!’ and it was terrifying,” he remembered. “We watched it over and over, and we were all friends and joking around by the end of it. But there was still something very powerful about that. I looked at Quentin and said, ‘What have I done?’”

What he did was just genius! I love the little featurettes that Eli has done in two of Tarantino’s flicks like this one and Thanksgiving that was featured before Death Proof. I can’t wait to see more of the propoganda film when Inglourious Basterds and Nation’s Pride come out on August 21st!
BTW am the only one who couldn’t take her eyes off of Daniel Bruhl even though he is playing a Nazi killing Americans? He so needs to have his own movie that is more than just a film within a film!
Back to Eli Roth, he will be on my favorite late night talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live! tonight on ABC at 12:05a and on Friday he will be screening his personal copy of Cabin Fever at HollyShorts. Tickets are still available for the cheap price of $10 at the HollyShorts site. BTW also on Friday and Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Quentin Tarantino will be on the show and I will be watching it in the green room downing some wine and good food!


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