Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Name something you see in every scary movie?
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[ # ] Name something you see in every scary movie?
November 1st, 2011 under Steve Harvey

If you were asked “Name something you see in every scary movie?” on Family Feud you would say blood, killer or someone screaming? Well Tim thought of something else and it left his face the color of blood. The contestant said, “a girl running with no clothes on.” Well even though that is true in almost all slasher and torture porn movies, that answer was not on the board. I guess we know why Tim goes to see a horror movie, I just hope his date doesn’t notice as she snuggles up against him to comfort her from watching the scary murderer kill off that naked running woman?
BTW how cute was Tim as soon as he realized what he said? I love when the contestants get in trouble for saying the first thing that comes to his head. I mean the big one and not the little one, although that answer came from both heads at the same time. Hopefully the killer from the scary movie doesn’t decapitate both of them…


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