The Monkey, a Horror movie written and directed by Osgood Perkins, the son of Psycho’s Norman Bates, is coming out on Friday. Therefore, he knows what makes a good on-screen killing because his father was part of one of the most memorable ones in the genre’s history.
While he might know what looks scary on camera, does he know how to make the murders look realistic? He, along with the film’s star, Theo James, sat down with two morticians and got their opinions on the different kills.
How well did they do? They did well enough to give me nightmares before I even go to the theater to see the killer clapping monkey toy do his thing.
The most terrifying part of this video is when the morticians both agree on what is “the worst smell in the world.” What is it? Dead people’s fart!
How much do you want to be that is the plot of Perkins’ next film? If it isn’t, then it should be. I would go see Killer Farts if he or someone else made it!
I just have to add the marketing for The Monkey has been brilliant. I love that they have been asking churches to screen the feature.
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