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[ # ] More proof Nicole Richie is pregnant?
July 11th, 2007 under Good Charlotte, Nicole Richie

(photo from Celeb Warship


So I finally did it. I quit smoking. Not that any of you are interested in me smoking but i've been smoking for about 3 years now, and i've been talking about quiting for about 2. It wasnt really that hard when i realized how stupid smoking is, and how dagerous it really is. Also how many people it kills a year. or even a day. So i want to apologize to everyone who i've blown my second hand smoke around (that was wrong and inconciderate) and everyone i might have misled or been a bad example to with my deadly habit. I really am sorry and i hope any of you out there that smoke might consider quitting too. here is a link to some facts and stats about smoking. read up on it. i hope it scares you as much as it does me. i've smoked my last one!

Joel Madden's MySpace 

When I saw that he blogged that he quit smoking to me that was even more confirmation that Nicole Richie is pregnant. I mean the timing just makes it seem like he wants to protect his unborn child from smoke especially after he read statistics.

But forgetting everything about Nicole Richie, you go Joel Madden! Quitting smoking is really hard so I respect smokers that can do it! 


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