Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Millennials get to experience the hell of a cassette tape becoming unwond
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[ # ] Millennials get to experience the hell of a cassette tape becoming unwond
September 24th, 2018 under MeTV

Hey older people, remember what life was like before CDs and MP3s? We used to listen to music on things called cassettes. Every now and again, the tape would get stuck in the player and then we would have to wind it back in very carefully. It was beyond frustrating. You just wanted to scream.

Since Millennials were born after CDs took over, they do not know our pain. But now some do thanks to Me TV. That means it is time for another race between them and Baby Boomers to see who can do it faster.

How did they do? Shockingly one of those young whippersnappers was able to do it in half the time of the oldies. But then they beat the youngins by just as much time.

Now I will be having nightmares of when my Big Chill soundtrack got stuck in the tape player. I cried for days. Almost as many as when I saw the movie.


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