Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Michelle Obama’s sexy legs
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[ # ] Michelle Obama’s sexy legs
July 28th, 2020 under Barack Obama, Politics

Michelle Obama/Instagram

Michelle Obama is debuting a podcast tomorrow on Spotify, but I think she should do a vodcast to show off her sexy legs. Look at those gams on the 56-year-old lady. They put the lady in First Lady. I don’t know what that means either.

Seriously, I miss having a First Lady who was naturally va-va-voom. Unlike the one we have now that is made out of plastic. The current one couldn’t pose like that because she only knows how to be fake. Plus, it is hard to sit like that when you have a broomstick up your butt. That is what happens when you stop short.

It is not about her. It is about Michelle Obama, who is showing us how to be best as she chats with her husband, Barack Obama. It is going to be nice to hear them playfully talk to each other. I wonder what they will reveal in their not so secret chat. I guess we will have to tune in tomorrow to find out. I can’t wait!


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