You have all heard that Eric Stoltz originally played Martin McFly when Back to the Future started filming, but then he was replaced by Michael J Fox. What we didn’t know up until now is that they always had Fox in mind for the role, but his Family Ties EP Gary Goldberg wouldn’t let Alex P Keaton time off to film the movie according to what he told David Letterman. So Fox wound up filming Teen Wolf instead. Well when things didn’t work out for the red headed actor, Fox stepped into those famous sneakers.
So I wonder if Fox could go into the DeLorean today if he would go back to the day when Goldberg nixed his part in the film and make sure he had it from the get. But if he did that than that would probably mean he never would’ve done Teen Wolf and that role might’ve gone to Eric Stoltz instead. So if Stoltz played Teen Wold, would that mean that Jason Bateman never would’ve done Teen Wolf 2. And if Bateman never did that movie, what else would we never have seen him? I guess the Butterfly Effect would change so much of what we have gotten to known…