Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Miami boycott called for Miami Vice
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[ # ] Miami boycott called for Miami Vice
July 2nd, 2006 under Movies

Uh-oh, this bitchslap can’t be good for Universal’s remake of Miami Vice opening July 28th. A too-cool-for-the-room Miami magazine just wrote a feature entitled "Miami Vice Looks Like Shit" and is asking Miamians to "boycott this pile." Ignore Magazine  — yes, that’s its name, and bills itself as a print and online youth culture and news publication  – declares this a "deplorable, unneeded revision. Sorry Michael Mann, nobody wants to see this movie." And the mag seems to object to the flick "once again stereotyping our city’s image. At this point, we’d rather watch a documentary on The Opium Group directed by Uwe Bol." OK, I totally agree that any remake of that seminal ’80s TV show is just plain pathetic. Still, since every other Hollywood studio is devoid of creativity, why should Universal be any different?

Deadline Hollywood Daily 

Did anyone think it was going to be a good movie? I knew it was going to be a bomb as soon as it was announced. 


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