Actress Mia Farrow, currently in theaters in the horror remake The Omen, recently spoke out on her family and her relationship with director Woody Allen. The one-time collaborators famously split when Woody began romancing Mia’s daughter, Soon-Yi Previn. In one of the nastiest custody battles of all time, Woody sued Mia for custody of their three children– and lost. He and Soon-Yi married in 1997 and have two adopted daughters of their own.
Mia admits she has forgiven Allen because the burden of her anger is "too heavy" for her to carry. However, she has also given up any dream of reconciling with her eldest daughter. "You just can’t go on mourning forever, and so I’ve moved on. It’s been a long time now. And I really don’t think of her as my daughter any more. I can’t. She isn’t. She’s estranged – and strange."
As for Mia and Woody’s children, none of them have seen Woody in years. Their only biological son, Seamus Ronan, recently changed his name to Ronan Seamus, because, as Mia explains, "in America would mispronounce it and call him Seemus." A child prodigy, 18-year old Ronan is attending Yale Law School. Like his mother, he has a passion for helping children, and they are both active in UNICEF. They even travelled to Darfur together in June 2006 to bring attention to the genocide in Sudan.
As for the rest of her 14 children, who range in ages from 12 to 36, Mia says she has never regretted having such a large family. "It can be challenging. I won’t deny that. But they’re just great kids so you just deal with everything."
Celebrity Baby Blog
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