Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Meghan Markle says people don’t ask her if she is OK!
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[ # ] Meghan Markle says people don’t ask her if she is OK!
October 18th, 2019 under British Royals

In the last three years, Meghan Markle went from an American actress in Canada to marrying a British Prince in England. That is a lot for anyone to handle.

Ever since we found out that she was dating Prince Harry, we have not heard that much for her. We have seen her, but we have not really heard her. This Sunday on ITV in England and Wednesday on ABC in America, she gets very candid about her new life with Tom Bradby.

He wanted to know how the pressure of being the Duchess of Sussex is affecting her. Tears started to back up her eyes and she told him, “Any woman, especially when they’re pregnant, you’re really vulnerable. So that was made really challenging and then when you have a newborn…especially as a woman, it’s really, it’s a lot. So you add this on top of just trying to be a new mum or trying to be a newlywed.” She took a pause and added, “Thank you for asking because not many people have asked if I’m ok. But it’s a very real thing to be going through behind the scenes.”

With that, he wanted to know if her perceived fairytale life is a struggle. She responded with one word and that word is, “Yes.”

Watching her answer his questions made me really sorry for her. She is living a fantasy many women dreamed of since we were little girls. I guess, you can say, living the reality of a dream is far from perfect. It is still great, but there are evil stepmothers all over the place. And I am not referring to Camilla, you know since she is Prince Harry’s stepmother.

In Meghan’s case, the evil person seems to be her dad. Unlike in the Princess stories where the father is always the good guy.

Hopefully, people will lay off her of her for a bit so that she and Harry can live the happily ever after those books always ended with.


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