Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Meet Levi Alves McConaughey!
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[ # ] Meet Levi Alves McConaughey!
July 23rd, 2008 under Matthew McConaughey

OK! Magazine has the first pictures of Matthew McConaughey's little Surfer, Dude Levi and he looks just like his mom with his dad's expressions! Matthew and Camilla believe it or chose not to know the sex of their baby before he was born.
The Texas-born actor says he cut the umbilical cord in "one snip" and got to hold his son for the first 15 minutes while doctors worked on Camila. Both he and the Brazilian beauty — who waited to know the sex of their baby — say they were not surprised to find out they had a boy.

"I said, 'Come here, little man. I saw the pecker and screamed that we'd been right all along about him being a boy. Then I brought him over to her [Camila],' Matthew said.

"It was neat to find out what the sex was because we didn't have the doctor tell us beforehand," Camila agrees.

Cute story, check out the hard copy of OK! Magazine out tomorrow for more stories about little Levi and more pictures of the camera ready family!

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