Seriously? OMG! WTF? » McPriss misses another week
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[ # ] McPriss misses another week
July 20th, 2006 under American Idol 1-5

Kat’s doctor is holding her out one more week.  Her vocal chords are still not fully healed.  She will not be on the View tomorrow and she will not be able to perform at the next few concerts.  She is very dissapointed but her doctor feels it is best to be safe than sorry.
She said she would be on the View next week for sure.
If I get more detailed information I will let you know. 

She is not well enough for the tour, but she can do The View. What a bitch! I am glad I hated her bulimic a$$ during the show, now I am sure there are several fans who feel the same way. 


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