Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Matt Rife stopped his show for a woman having a seizure
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[ # ] Matt Rife stopped his show for a woman having a seizure
October 16th, 2023 under Matt Rife

On October 4th, Matt Rife was performing in Orlando when a woman in the front row suddenly had a seizure. So, the comedian stopped the show and called for a paramedic to take care of her.

After five minutes, she was feeling fine, took a picture with him, and he went on with the show. But not after making fun of her. Because that is what he does. And she wasn’t leaving because tickets are not cheap.

I respect him for stopping the show and putting her needs first.

However, I do not respect the people who reached out to her and said she faked the seizure to make the show about her.

To her side of the story, then

Matt Rife gave YouMeThree an unforgettable night. It was just not the night she was expecting.

And thankfully, she is OK, and her mom was able to administer the medicine that would stop the seizure.


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