Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Matt Damon is breeding again
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[ # ] Matt Damon is breeding again
April 27th, 2010 under Matt Damon

(photo from Bauer-Griffin Online)

Looks like Matt Damon is trying for a boy because he wife Luciana is pregnant with their third child together and her fourth according to Us Weekly. Matt and Luciana already have 3 daughters Alexia, 11 (from her first husband), Isabella, 3 and Gia, 15 months. No word when Matt’s latest bundle of joy will be upon us, but hopefully he will finally get a son! Not only to pass on his good looks, but to give his distant cousin Ben Affleck a husband for one of his daughters. Could you imagine the BFFs being in-laws? Oy!
BTW when it comes to Ben and Matt their four daughters were all born very close to each other’s birth dates. I wonder if now that Luciana is pregnant if Jennifer Garner is looking to add another flower to their family bouquet?


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