Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Mark Hamill finally meets his mother
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[ # ] Mark Hamill finally meets his mother
January 9th, 2024 under Star Wars

Everyone knows that Luke Skywalker met his dad in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi! But did you know that Mark Hamill never met his mother?

Well, of course, he met the woman who gave birth to him. But he never met Queen Amidala, the woman who had sex with Darth Vader, who made him and Princess Leia.

That all changed on Sunday at the Golden Globes when the actor ran into Natalie Portman. And he declared, “Now I have finally met my ‘mother’, thanks to the @goldenglobes”

Where is James Earl Jones when you need him? Could you imagine how awkward that would be, especially if Maury Povich walked in and said, “Anakin, you are not the father?”


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