Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Mario Lopez tries the labor pain simulator
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[ # ] Mario Lopez tries the labor pain simulator
May 10th, 2023 under Mario Lopez

Courtney and Mario Lopez have three kids. But he never experienced the pain of childbirth. That is because men, THANKFULLY, don’t give birth. If they did, then I would not be writing this because we would not have made it past Cavemen’s time.

Anyways, it May sweeps, and the producer of Access Daily thought they would have some fun with their host. What did they do? They brought in Dr. Linda Sayyad from FeminoCentric Physical Therapy & Wellness to put electrodes on him that will simulate the feeling of labor pain.

How did he do? The doctor’s husband was able to tolerate level 7 of 100. Was the host able to do better before he was saved by the bell? Since he is a competitive man, he knew he was going to go higher than that.

How much higher? With his wife, whom he couldn’t talk to due to the pain, by his side, he was able to get all the way up to 12.

Lopez might have a strong body because he works out all the time. However, he can’t take the pain that women can. Therefore, we are women; hear us roar.


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