Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Mario Lopez thinks women have their periods for two weeks
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[ # ] Mario Lopez thinks women have their periods for two weeks
July 5th, 2023 under Mario Lopez

Mario Lopez’s wife, Courtney, wanted to see how much her husband knows about periods. And boy, was she disappointed to find out how little he knows.

First, she asked him how many tampons he thinks she uses during her period in a month. “It’s a two-week deal. Right,” was his response. “I’ll go with 14. Unless the reds are really in town, then maybe more. I’m going with 10-14.”

Then it was time for him to learn the truth. She told them that she uses about three of them during her 3-5 day period.

Since he passed math and not health, he was like then he is right about the number of tampons she uses a month.

He is right. But as she pointed out, we don’t have our monthlies for half a month.

Men! What are we going to do with them? So to the moms out there, teach your sons about a woman’s period. This way, he won’t be as afraid of us once a month.

Oh, and he can’t use the excuse that he was taught on the set, and that is why he didn’t know the answer. Because he has been with a lot of women, so he should know that are only so many times in a month a woman doesn’t want to have sex because of her period. Unless Courtney tells him that she doesn’t want to for two weeks. Now, I understand his confusion.


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[ # 1269778 ] Comment from Rad [July 5, 2023, 11:40 am]

Yes, Mario, that’s what they have been telling you. You’re total adorbs, but son, take a hint.

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