Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Margeret Cho has the best tattoo!
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[ # ] Margeret Cho has the best tattoo!
June 3rd, 2022 under Kelly Clarkson

Margaret Cho is Kelly Clarkson’s talk show today, and she wore the coolest green boots. Clarkson was so impressed by them that she wanted to see the whole boot. What the host didn’t know is that she was in for a cooler surprise.

Cho has two tattoos just below her knees of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. Why? The comedian says, “Cause it costs $6 to spread ’em.”

Clarkson was so shocked and awed by the brilliance she had to get up and walk off her laughter. She is not the only one who lost it because I did the same.

I am thinking of doing that too. However, I am a big fan of Benjamin Franklin. Therefore, I will get his mug on both of my calves because it costs $200 for me to spread ’em.


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