Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Maksim Chmerkovskiy’s thunder thigh gave out on Dancing with the Stars
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[ # ] Maksim Chmerkovskiy’s thunder thigh gave out on Dancing with the Stars
April 4th, 2011 under Dancing with the Stars

Maksim Chmerkovskiy and Kirstie Alley were performing on Dancing with the Stars and suddenly he fell to the floor in pain taking the Fat Actress down with him. While some people assumed it was her weight that brought him down, he said immediately cleared that up by saying his thigh gave out. Even though he was in excruciating pain, he continued on with the dance and she supported her teacher throughout it. And for that, the two of them get many Cheers from me.
I really hope Maks is OK because he brings excitement to the show and the two of them have really good chemistry together.
Normally I am Team Ralph Macchio, but tonight I am Team Maksim Chmerkovskiy! And tomorrow at 9p on ABC we will find out if he can continue on or if his injury was so severe he will need to be replaced.

UPDATE: Kirstie Alley just Tweeted this to “@MaksimC .,, I salute u… U r a gladiator …. A champion… I’m honored to be your partner.” How sweet!

UPDATE 2: Here is MaksimC Tweeted, “To all the fans…I’m sorry! It will never happen again and I will never ‘fall’! To @kirstiealley You were..FLAWLESS! In more ways than one!”


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