Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Make It or Break It pole vaults back on to ABC Family tonight
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[ # ] Make It or Break It pole vaults back on to ABC Family tonight
January 4th, 2010 under Freeform

ABC Family’s hit new show Make It or Break It is back tonight at 9p and it picks up with the girls returning home after nationals. Payson is home dealing with her broken back and her new life without gymnastics. Kylie is trying to deal with being the national champion and being boyfriendless. Lauren is trying to do good after causing so much of a mess, but don’t worry she is still a bitch. Kaylie is dealing with her boyfriend leaving, but what will she do when the other one returns? Besides dealing with all of this they have to prepare for the Olympics and that means they need a coach and someone from the past is going to return. Plus the girls from The Rock aren’t the only ones the new coach will be training, so let the bitchiness begin as people from the past and enemies return as the girls go for the Gold.
This season is going to be a lot of fun, so let the competition begin tonight at 9p and be prepared for not everyone to stay balanced…on the balanced beam.


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