Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Madonna’s arms scare me
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[ # ] Madonna’s arms scare me
July 15th, 2009 under Madonna

We all know that Madonna is a workout fiend and her arms have no body fat and are all skin, bones and muscles, but no matter how many times I see her bare arms they still scare me. Seriously I wonder if she looks in the mirror and goes my arms look awesome? I wish someone would tell her to lay off all the exercise, at least for eyes because I don't know anyone who thinks that looks good.
BTW I am sure all the people at her Kabbalah Center love seeing her wear a big cross around her neck.
Positive note at least her face doesn't look as bad as it usually does. She seriously needs to eat a doughnut or some chocolate just to get some fat back in her body.

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