Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Madonna will so last year herself at MTV Awards?
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[ # ] Madonna will so last year herself at MTV Awards?
July 7th, 2006 under Lindsay Lohan, Madonna, Nick Lachey/Jessica/Ashlee Simpson

Oh this sounds so lame and I pray not true! It is being reported that Madonna is trying to do another "shocking" bit (ala kissing Britney Spears & Christina Aguilera) during her appearance at next months MTV Music Video Awards. Her bitches this time around are rumored to be Jessica Simpson & Lindsay Lohan and instead of kissing the girls, she plans to have some type of "bondage" scene with them. Jessica’s people have reportedly already been contacted and it’s said they have been in secret talks for weeks. Seriously, it was funny, cool & unexpected the first time around with Christina & Britney, but if Madonna digs to the bottom of the barrel and pulls out Jessica & Lindsay for some eyeball rolling bondage appearance, I will lose so much respect for her and I don’t want to. Please Madge, you don’t need that skanky Lindsay Lohan! Say it ain’t so!

Tabloid Whore 

Lohan I can see doing it, but Jessica? Her dad would, well, get the biggest hard-on over it! 


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