Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Luckily this didn’t happen during a car chase scene
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[ # ] Luckily this didn’t happen during a car chase scene
February 19th, 2007 under Odd

Some moviegoers in Torrington, Connecticut got to see some real-life action unfold as they were watching the movie “Dreamgirls” on Monday night. During the 7:00pm showing at the six-theater multiplex, a white sport utility vehicle smashed through a wall of the theater while the audience was watching the movie. Police said the accident happened about 7:45pm. Fortunately, nobody was hurt, even though the SUV came inches from some moviegoer heads. “I never thought it’d be here in the theater, especially
while the show’s running and a couple people are in here watching Dreamgirls. It was just surreal shock,” said theater owner Robert Sadlon. Police charged the driver, 46-year-old Diletta Squires, with driving under the influence.


That would scare the, well you know what, out of me.


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