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[ # ] Lost another WGA strike causality?
November 7th, 2007 under Lost

Michael Ausiello is reporting that if the strike goes until next year ABC might postpone season 4 of Lost until possibly 2009. They currently have 8 shows in the can, and Carlton Cuse (Lost creator) told Michael Ausiello how he feels about only having 8 of the episodes airing this season.
"Damon [Lindelof] and my concern about running the [eight] episodes we will have made is that it will feel a little like reading half a Harry Potter novel, then having to put it down. There is a mini-cliff-hanger at the end of Episode 8, but it's like the end of an exciting book chapter; it's not the end of the novel. Damon and I didn't write [the ending of Episode 8] differently [with the looming strike in mind]. We wrote it to be the ending of Episode 8." In any case, he concedes that the decision to hold or air the episodes isn't ultimately theirs. "It's really [ABC honcho Steve MacPherson's] call," Cuse notes, adding, "No one was happy with the six-episode run last season."
I don't know about you, but I would rather get 8 episodes in 2008 then wait to 2009 for the other 10. I am not sure I will care or be back for Lost if I have to have waited 30 months for a new episode of Lost.   

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