Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Looks like SYTYCD will need a new choreographer
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[ # ] Looks like SYTYCD will need a new choreographer
April 5th, 2009 under SYTYCD

So You Think You Can Dance choreographer and Salsa dancer Alex Da Silva was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting and raping four of his students according to The LA Times.

Authorities said that the four vicitims were all students of Da Silva at the time of the assaults. “The victims allege that he lured them to his homes in North Hollywood and Van Nuys,” the police said in a statement. “He then used a ruse to get them into his bedroom, where he raped them.”

He is currently being held for on $3.8 million bail and police are asking for other alleged assault victims to contact them. That is crazy and sick if it is true. And if it is true, they should lock him up and throw away the key.


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