Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lisa Rinna returns to Days of our Lives!
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[ # ] Lisa Rinna returns to Days of our Lives!
October 26th, 2011 under Lisa Rinna

Almost 20 years ago Lisa Rinna began playing Billie Reed on Days of our Lives and starting in December she will be back filming the role that made her a star. A source told The Huffington Post, “Lisa is doing a James Franco. There is something full circle about bringing her back to the role that made her famous and now harnessing her celebrity to secure the future of the show.” No word how long she will be back on the show, but hopefully it will be longer than Francos’ in and out appearances.
I wonder who else Days is thinking of bring back??? Trevor Donovan? Wayne Northrop? Jensen Ackles? Billy Huffsey?


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