Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lindsey Shaw talk about 10 Things I Hate About You
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[ # ] Lindsey Shaw talk about 10 Things I Hate About You
May 10th, 2010 under Freeform

10 Things I Hate About You is back for a second season and this time things are really heating up for Patrick and Kat. I attended a press day for the ABC Family Show and Lindsey Shaw aka Kat told us what she thinks about this season.
Lindsey told us there are a lot of evolutions going on between the characters. There will be lots of changes going on between the relationships, they will go from friendship to more to back to being friends. Plus the friendships will also be changing up from friends to enemies to back to being friends.
Lindsey also talked about her character Kat, the girl who fights for all the causes. She says she is a lot like Kat and likes to fight the good fight. She added that it is Kat’s approach that gets her in trouble. When it comes to her boyfriend bad boy Patrick, she said she thinks that they are perfect for each other. They have so much tension that they have to resolve it! And how much fun has it been to watch them try to resolve it. I can’t wait to see what is up next for them.
So when Lindsey was asked where she saw Kat 20 years from now. She said that she sees her on Capitol Hill doing something environmental because that is what she could see herself doing. I wonder if that is where we will see her 20 years from now, check back in two decades and I will let you know.
Sadly the show was not renewed by ABC Family, but with four episodes left maybe if enough of us watch they will reconsider. Seriously 10 Things is a fun show that reminds you what it was like to be in high school or how you want your high school years to be. So watch it tonight and for the next 3 Mondays at 8p and let’s tell ABC Family we want this show back!!!


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