Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lewis the Cat’s fate to be decided today.
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[ # ] Lewis the Cat’s fate to be decided today.
June 20th, 2006 under Animals


June 20, 2006 — BRIDGEPORT, Conn. – A Utah organization is offering a safe haven to Lewis the cat, a Fairfield feline whose alleged vicious attacks on neighbors have landed his owner in court.

The Best Friends Animal Society of Kanab, Utah, which claims to be the country’s largest no-kill animal sanctuary, has offered to take Lewis free of charge.

Superior Court Judge Patrick Carroll is expected to decide Lewis’ fate today, when he considers an application for accelerated rehabilitation for the cat’s owner, Ruth Cisero.

The hearing is to determine whether she should get special probation and have her cat’s life spared.

Another judge told Cisero she would grant her special probation on condition that Lewis is put to death, which Cisero has refused to do

MySpace and NY Post

Serioulsy, the cat has not killed anyone, just a few scratches that healed. The neighborhood is full of people who need to get a life and adopt an animal. If they are so afraid of Lewis’ scratching…why not declaw him and not kill him?  


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