Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lenny Kravitz leaves Juno Temple freaking out
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[ # ] Lenny Kravitz leaves Juno Temple freaking out
January 15th, 2024 under Lenny Kravitz

Juno Temple was doing an interview with Access Hollywood’s Scott Evans, and Lenny Kravitz interrupted it to tell her how much he loves her work on Ted Lasso.

The actress looked like she was all cool and relaxed in that moment, but really, she was freaking out. Who wouldn’t freak out in that situation?

Thus proving that not only American Women are turned on by the singer. Although, it also proves he prefers a non-American Woman.

Now, let’s go back to Evans. I loved that he gave her time to react. Because her reaction was so precious. Some interviewers would’ve just restarted their chat. But this gave him and the show something so much better than anything she could’ve said about her career.


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