Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lassie straps Shawn to a lie detector on Psych tonight!
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[ # ] Lassie straps Shawn to a lie detector on Psych tonight!
October 12th, 2011 under USA Network

After taking the summer off, Psych is back on USA at 10 and Lassie straps Shawn to a lie detector. He will finally have to admit to his arch enemy if he really is PSYCHic or not? Tune in to find out what happens and to see what other truth he reveals when he cannot tell a lie!
And coming up next week on the detective show, they title the episode “This Episode Sucks.” Can you guess why? And then the week after that William Shatner guest stars as Juliet long lost dad and he fits right in this show!


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