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[ # ] Lady Gaga the new Elvis?
September 9th, 2011 under Elvis Presley, Lady Gaga

Tony Bennett is 85 years young and he told AARP magazine that he has no plans to retire. But there is one thing he should retire, when asked about Lady Gaga he said something that I disagree with. He said, “I think if she keeps going the way she’s going now, that she will become bigger than Elvis Presley. She will become the main rage of the entertainment world. I’ve never met anybody, I don’t care what age, who is more intelligent about what to do as a performer than Lady Gaga.” He then added, “She did ‘The Lady Is a Tramp’ with me. It was so fantastic. She showed up in the most gorgeous dress I’ve ever seen. On Elizabeth Taylor or Marilyn Monroe — the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen on a human being! And she had a wild green wig on. But when she went into it, ‘Bam!’ The song just took off. So she’s absolutely brilliant with what she does. She’s a very, very magnificent performer and she does know how to sing, and she does know how to play the piano. I see great things for her. She has no boundaries and she knows what she’s doing. You know, I’ve performed with everybody, being 85 years old. I’ve seen it all. And I’ll tell you, I’ve never seen anybody that intelligent when it comes to knowing how to perform properly.”
I like Lady Gaga and I think she is a visionary, but she is no Elvis. Elvis was Elvis because at the time people weren’t as fickle as they are now. They stayed with you during your career, after you died and never wavered. In 5 years we will be like remember when Lady Caca was on her Edge of Glory. She is like the next Madonna, where she will do some good stuff for while, push the envelope and then get so wrapped up in her ego she will self destruct her career.
So Tony, there will never be another Elvis and there will never be another you and that is OK.


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