Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Labor wasn’t going to stop her from auditioning for American Idol
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[ # ] Labor wasn’t going to stop her from auditioning for American Idol
August 9th, 2007 under American Idol 7, Babies

Antoria Gillon really really wanted to audition for American Idol so much so that she wasn't going to let a little thing like labor stop her from doing so. So Antoria waited and waited as the contractions got closer and closer until it was finally her turn to audition in Dallas. So she sang her heart out as her little boy wanted to come out. But he waited long enough for her to audition and as soon as she was done she was rushed to the hospital and it was there that she gave birth to Jamil Labarron Idol McCowan, yes Idol. 
So did she make it to the next round? Yes she did, now we will have to wait until February to see if she will make it the next one after that.  

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