Krysten Stewart plays the World’s Worst Roommate on Don’t Trust the B in Apt 23, and she told
Playboy she once did something that was completely b!tchy to a former roommate from hell.
PLAYBOY: Who’s the bitchiest roommate you’ve ever had?
RITTER: When I was modeling I lived with eight to 10 girls in the modeling agency’s two-bedroom apartment, sleeping in bunk beds. It was crazy, but not as crazy as people want it to be. Sure, we’d go out and drink cosmos and dance on tables. But no sex with rappers or cocaine or eating disorders. I worked a lot, and there was one other girl who also worked a lot. She was the queen bee before I came along, and I think she didn’t enjoy that she wasn’t the only one anymore. She fucking hated me. I would play guitar on the patio—not late; we’re talking 8:30 to nine p.m.—and she would tell the agency I was keeping her up. I got in trouble for that. So I put roaches in her bed. You don’t fuck with a girl’s livelihood.
PLAYBOY: Where does a nice girl like you find a bunch of cockroaches?
RITTER: Well, it was New York City. They’re there. I found them with my girlfriend Charity, who was just bad news but in the best possible way. We caught the roaches and put them in the other model’s suitcase too, in hopes she would take them home and infest her house. I’m pretty ashamed of myself. [laughs]
OMG I hope the producers of the ABC sitcom read this and some how incorporate this story in a show. Could you imagine what they could do with this.
BTW you have to read the whole interview to find out if she wears underwear.