ABC has shuffled its Wednesday night comedy lineup, moving both of its rookie comedies behind veterans. George Lopez remains at 8, but rookie Knights of Prosperity will now air a half hour earlier at 8:30. According to Jim flip-flops with Knights to kick off the 9 p.m. hour, with rookie In Case of Emergency remaining at 9:30. The schedule change takes effect this Wednesday, January 31.
Broadcasting and Cable
Although they are no longer against Idol, I am going to have to watch this show on the net. I am already watching 4 things (Bones, Armed and Famous, Beauty and the Geek and Friday Night Lights) at 8p on Wednesday. Since I can’t watch it, I am asking you guys to, so that it will get higher ratings and ABC won’t cancel it. I promise you the show is funny!
And don’t forget to enter the The Knights of Prosperity contest to win a T-Shirt like the one picture above. Winners will be announced after the show airs 9:30p pst on Wednesday!