Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kitty Porn – I kid you not
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[ # ] Kitty Porn – I kid you not
June 15th, 2007 under Animals

So my friend Hena, who is my cat's catnip supplier sent me this story about cat porn from LaLa Times for my sweet cat. I lost her dogs once and now she feels the need to corrupt my sweet baby. Dr Foster Grant DVM came up with kitty porn for cats that suffer from sexual dysfunction, yes you read that right. Since he works in the porn capitol (Van Nuys, Ca) of the world, he teamed with a porn producer and the rest his hisssss-tory. Here is a tail about one of the actresses in the film,  "Mary Pussé (aka “Puss in Boots”), is especially popular. Speaking from the set of his latest pic, Nine Sex Lives, the vet-turned-director reminisced about his difficult first attempts to alter Mary’s image. "I had one hell of a time getting her to wear those fishnet stockings. She kept biting them off. It wasn’t until I laced them with cat nip that she finally relaxed into the role." I wonder if you can tell if the cat is faking it for the camera by the way she meeeeooowwwss. 

Dr Grant has released 20 videos so far and has ten more in the works. Is it wrong for me to consider getting my cat a job as the fluffer with him for the extra cash? She is licking her lips already for the job? (Animal activists, I am joking and would never ever do that my cat!)

BTW guys don't you think her catnip supplier, Hena should by her tape or two as a purrfect present? Since she is tempting her with the idea that they are out there? Especially after my cat saw that picture, seriously how priceless is that picture???


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