Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kirk Cameron brings back Mike Seaver for :60 seconds!
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[ # ] Kirk Cameron brings back Mike Seaver for :60 seconds!
October 21st, 2014 under Hallmark

Kirk Cameron was on Hallmark’s Home & Family yesterday and Mark Steines asked him if fans still go crazy over Growing Pains after all of these years. Cameron told them they do, and his way to get his fans over Seaver Fever is to feed. How? By doing all 7 seasons of the loved sitcom in :60 seconds. And yes a wig is involved.
Did he feed your fever or are you still craving more? Then watch the whole interview to see him breakdance in that same wig. It is a sight you will soon not forget.
Did I mention, he also confirmed that there is talk of bringing back Growing Pains in the same way they are thinking of doing it with his sister Candice Cameron’s show, Full House? I would tune in to see the Seaver Clan together again.


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