Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Killing Reagan brings his assassination to life
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[ # ] Killing Reagan brings his assassination to life
October 16th, 2016 under National Geographic

Back on March 30, 1981, the World was shocked when they learned that President Reagan and three other men were shot by a man for an unknown reason. Tonight at 8p on Nat Geo, we will get the behind the scenes story leading up to that day, that fateful moment and the days following it on Killing Reagan.
Before he was shot, Ronald Reagan (Tim Matheson) overcame a lot to became President of the United States in 1980. It seemed like Jimmy Carter was shoe-in for a second term, but then Reagan came from behind. The telemovie will show us the final days of the race, Carter calling to congratulate his opponent on the win and Nancy (Cynthia Nixon) and Ronnie moving into the White House. Once they are there, you will see them adjusting to their new life.
Meanwhile John Hinkley (Kyle More) is also adjusting to a new life. His parents are fed up with him and they have kicked him out. They have done all they can and they can’t do any more. Hinkley uses his newfound freedom to take his obsession for Jodie Foster to a whole new level of scary. On December 8, 1980, his world was rocked when someone murdered John Lennon and that gave him an idea to get Foster to fall in love with him.
On March 30, 1981, nearly 4 months after Lennon’s death and just over 2 months after Reagan became President, he decides he is Killing Reagan. Six bullets ring out, injuring 4 people including Reagan. It looks like the President wasn’t shot but just injured in the rush to save his life. As we know he was shot, but what happened after he was put in the limo is something we don’t fully know.
That is until tonight in this monumental television movie that depicts not only the horror of that day, but the special love that the Reagans had for one another.


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