Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ken dolls violated to prove how gay Luge really is!
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[ # ] Ken dolls violated to prove how gay Luge really is!
February 13th, 2014 under Jimmy Kimmel

The Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion released an commercial saying that Luge has proven that the Olympics have always been a little bit Gay. Well the Lugers didn’t like the ad and one of them attacked Jimmy Kimmel for making fun of their sport where two men wear a skin tight uniform, lie down face to back on each other in small confined space. So the ABC late night host decided to apologize to the Lugers by using Ken dolls to demonstrate how the sport could be a little less Gay. Do you think the simulation will help the Lugers cause? The only thing it did for me was miss watching Queer As Folk.


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