Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Keith L. Williams’ friends will have to sneak into his movie The Good Boys
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[ # ] Keith L. Williams’ friends will have to sneak into his movie The Good Boys
July 23rd, 2019 under Jimmy Kimmel

Keith L. Williams is just 12 years old and yet he has had a pretty successful acting career. He has starred on the sitcoms Selfie and The Last Man on Earth. Then on August 16th, we will see him in his biggest role to date. He is starring in Seth Rogen’s Good Boys.

A movie that is not kid-friendly, even though the stars are kids themselves. How will his pre-teen’s friends see it? He told Jimmy Kimmel Live that they are going to have to sneak in to see it. Then when they are done, he will have to explain a lot of it to them like it was explained to him.

How did his parents feel about him doing the movie? At first, they were hesitant, but then they read the script. They laughed so hard, they let him do the film.

Like I said, he is becoming a star which means he is earning the big bucks. Does he see all of that dough? Nope, he only gets a $20 a week allowance. Sometimes, his mom even forgets to give it to him. Imagine when he finds out how much money he made for his work and how much he got. $1,040 normally goes a long way for someone of his age, but he is not your average kid.


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