Katie Couricsicj has become the face of colon cancer after losing her first husband to the disease. She encouraged people to get screened when they turned 50.
The newswoman took getting screened for pap smears and mammograms seriously. However, she missed her last mammogram. So when she went to see her gynecologist, she reminded her to go get one.
So, she went in on June 20th and got one, plus an ultrasound because she has dense breasts. The next day was her 8th wedding anniversary to her second husband. Instead of celebrating, she got the news from her doctor that she had breast cancer but would be fine.
Couric and her oncologist came up with a plan. “We decided I would have ‘breast conservation’ surgery, aka a lumpectomy. She would make an incision right around my areola. She said she’d try to make sure any scars would be covered by my bathing suit — the furthest thing from my mind,” she said. “Surgery would be followed by radiation and medication — specifically, something called an ‘aromatase inhibitor’ I’d need to take for five years.”
Yesterday was her final round of radiation, and she feels “fine.”
Why did she come forward now? She says, “Well, since I’m the Screen Queen’ of colon cancer, it seemed odd to not use this as another teachable moment that could save someone’s life.” So she will be spending October talking about breast cancer on her website.