Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Katherine Heigl goes dark
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[ # ] Katherine Heigl goes dark
March 9th, 2010 under Katherine Heigl

Fame Pictures
Katherine Heigl has dyed her natural blonde locks jet black and the look is really working for her. Before she became a mother, I would’ve said that the reason why the black hair works for her is because the witch color hair fits her personality. But since she adopted Naleigh, she isn’t as annoying. I seriously don’t know if it is motherhood or the darker locks, but she really looks softer and she actually looks beautiful. Either way it is working for the Grey’s Anatomy star.
BTW is it just me or does she now look a little like another Kate…Katie Holmes?


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[ # 388759 ] Comment from jt [March 10, 2010, 9:17 am]

Minor nitpick: her hair isn’t “jet black.” It appears to be a dark chestnut brown.

i do agree that she looks softer in an appealing way. she was pretty with the blond but the brown works for her too.

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