Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Katherine Heigl goes AWOL on Grey’s Anatomy?
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[ # ] Katherine Heigl goes AWOL on Grey’s Anatomy?
March 11th, 2010 under Katherine Heigl, Shonda Rhimes

(photo from Fame Pictures)

Katherine Heigl was suppose to return to filming on Grey’s Anatomy on March 1st after a three month maternity leave after adopting her daughter Naleigh, but according to People 10 days have past and she has yet to return to Seattle Grace. Earlier today Michael Ausiello reported that show creator Shonda Rhimes was OK with her leaving the show, but it was up to ABC and Heigl’s people to work out a deal. So with the Ausiello news, people are speculating that Dr Izzie Stevens has left the building for good. That could explain why we saw her with darker hair earlier this week, without being under contract with ABC she could be free to do what she wants with her hair.
Look I will be the first to admit I won’t miss her, but since she adopted her little girl she isn’t as annoying and I don’t really care if she comes back or she doesn’t. Do you care?


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[ # 389219 ] Comment from Apres Ski [March 12, 2010, 2:54 pm]

Be very careful what you wish for because you just might get it!

Well, Heigl finally got her wish to be released from her contract on Grey’s. I only hope she makes good movie choices because so far, she’s only had one good movie and the rest have been just so-so.

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