Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Justin Timberlake pleads guilty, but not to DWI
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[ # ] Justin Timberlake pleads guilty, but not to DWI
September 13th, 2024 under Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake was in court today to answer to the charges that he was driving while intoxicated in June. The singer took a plea deal and pled guilty to a noncriminal traffic violation of driving while impaired.

As part of the plea, he will pay a $500 fine with a $250 surcharge, perform 25 hours of community service, and have his driver’s license suspended for 90 days in New York.

After the sentencing, he gave a statemebt to the press. “I try to hold myself to a very high standard for myself. And this was not that. I found myself in a position where I could have made a different decision. But I’ve had some time to reflect on that,” he said. “What I’d like to say to everyone watching and listening, even if you’ve had one drink, don’t get behind the wheel of a car. There are so many alternatives: call a friend, take an Uber, there are many travel apps, take a taxi. This is a mistake that I made, but I’m hoping that whoever’s watching and listening right now can learn from this mistake. I know that I certainly have. Like I said, ‘Even one drink, don’t get behind the wheel of a car.”

He also apologized to the people of Sag Harbor for the attention he brought to their small, quiet town.

Timberlake’s lawyer told the press that his client only had one drink, and the initial reports that he was combative with the arresting police officer were false. As is the report, the officer was argumentative with him.


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[ # 1269879 ] Comment from Rad [September 15, 2024, 5:22 am]

I am glad Justin stood up and said he was careless, and willing to accept the consequences. Good for him!

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