Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Justin Bieber put one too many candles on his mother’s birthday cake
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[ # ] Justin Bieber put one too many candles on his mother’s birthday cake
April 4th, 2011 under Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber wanted to make his mother’s 35th birthday special on Saturday, so the 17 year old called her out on stage, had the German audience sing Happy Birthday and told her to blow out the candles on her cake. Only problem was that one of the candles caused some of her hair to catch on fire. Being the loving son, he rushed to her aid and saved his mother’s hair…and life. Thankfully!
Here is what The Beebs Tweeted about the incident, “sick show in Berlin…brought @studiomama on stage 2 sing her happy bday but she lit her hair on fire with the candles. lol. i saved her” and her is what StudioMama said, “Thank you all for your b-day wishes!! All I want is your prayers!! Thank u @justinbieber for the cake (& embarrassing me on stage lol). Xo”
Hopefully next year when he gives her a hot present, it will be a vacation to a warmer climate and not one that will cause her hair to catch on fire again.
BTW I wonder if he got the idea from his mentor Diddy after watching that video of model’s who hair caught on fire?


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