Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Justin Bieber felt more comfortable in Calvins, we’re uncomfrotable
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[ # ] Justin Bieber felt more comfortable in Calvins, we’re uncomfrotable
September 9th, 2014 under Justin Bieber
For some reason Justin Bieber was once again invited to Fashion Rocks because, I guess, wearing your pants below your balls in fashionable. And on that note, he is the new crotch of Calvin Klein. Tonight as he was introducing Rita Ora, he stripped down to his Calvins because he said he felt more comfortable in them. I know, he is 20, but he looks like he is 12, so that made me so uncomfortable to watch this. Even the much taller female model was like why is this little boy taking off his clothes. He is just like a baby who strips down to their diapers because they don’t know any better. So ewwwwww.


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