Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Julianne Hough reveals her secret talent
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[ # ] Julianne Hough reveals her secret talent
July 26th, 2022 under Julianne Hough

Julianne Hough sat down with Bustle and showed them her secret talent. What is it? Let’s just say if her acting, singing, and dancing career doesn’t work out for her, she can be a ventriloquist. That is because she can talk with her mouth closed, and you can understand what she is saying.

And Hough wished she kept her mouth closed when she got her first. She was 13, and the guy she was with asked her to be his girlfriend. Then he grabbed her hand, and that made her nervous and nauseous. So when he kissed her and was all tongue, it made her throw up. Hopefully, the boy got a do-over because that was an awful first kiss.

That was not her worst encounter with a man. A fan once proposed to the dancer with a ring and all, and she didn’t know what to do.

There is one thing she wants to do with her. Her name is Julianne, not Julianna, so don’t call her the latter. That is her biggest pet peeve because her name is not Julianna.

With that, we know more about her than we ever thought we needed to know.


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