Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Joseph and the unAmazing Technicolor FurCoat
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[ # ] Joseph and the unAmazing Technicolor FurCoat
July 14th, 2009 under Animals

Those poor poor dogs are being transformed into technicolor nightmares in China. Look at their faces even they know their dyed fur looks beyond bad. I can sort of understand the rainbow pup, but what is up with the yellow head and green body dog? That is just so wrong.
Who would want their dogs to look like that? By the looks of it, we now know why dogs are man's best friend because look at women are doing to them. 
BTW the article in Daily Mail that accompanies these pictures is about how China is getting stricter on animal abuse. I don't know about you, but that looks like animal cruelty to me. 

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