Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jon Stewart rips CNN a new one!!!
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[ # ] Jon Stewart rips CNN a new one!!!
October 13th, 2009 under TV News

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
CNN Leaves It There
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via TV Newser
So last week CNN actually wasted hard news time to go over how Saturday Night Live did not fact check an Obama spoof on their fictional show, and last night Jon Stewart proved on The Daily Show that CNN doesn’t always fact check what goes on their air either. If that wasn’t snap snap enough, he also spent 11 minutes going over how the 24 hour network loves to leave segments there because they say they “ran out time”. And he perfectly summed it up by saying, “You have 24 hours in a day! How much more time do you need?” CNN must so hate him because he did a much better fact checking job on them, than CNN ever could dream of doing to SNL! Folks that is why Jon Stewart is constantly winning the Emmy for The Daily Show because that is some funny and true sh!t!!! So make sure to watch tonight and every night at 11p on Comedy Central!
It has not been a good month for CNN between this and Wolf Blitzer’s sh!tastic appearance on Jeopardy, they are looking more and more like a joke as each day goes on!!! The most trusted name in news…my a$$.


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