Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Joan Rivers had a problem with this year’s Emmys!
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[ # ] Joan Rivers had a problem with this year’s Emmys!
September 20th, 2011 under Emmys

(photo from Sofia Vergara’s Twitter)

Here’s a shocker Joan Rivers has a problem with the way the actresses dressed on Sunday at the Emmys, but it is not what you think. The woman that some celebs didn’t want on the red carpet Tweeted this, “MEMO TO ALL TV ACTRESSES: Please start dressing like shit at next year’s Emmys or I’ll have nothing to talk about. Thank you!” You know what she is right, except for Heidi Klum all the actresses looked beautiful on the big night and as we know that makes her job very difficult. Personally I hope they don’t listen to her because I liked being envious of all of their dresses and not laughing at the stupid frilly thing they draped on their body. Seriously wasn’t it nice that there wasn’t really a bad dress in the bunch for once?


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