Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Kimmel is a mean mean man
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[ # ] Jimmy Kimmel is a mean mean man
November 3rd, 2011 under Jimmy Kimmel

On Monday night, Jimmy Kimmel issued a challenge to his viewers that they tell their kids that they ate all of their Halloween candy and send the video into him. Well several mean parents did what he said, and we got this cute and cruel video. Those poor kids, I don’t know what I would do if my parents did that to me. I definitely would not have been as calm as the last kid. Wasn’t he just precious?
You can see more videos that didn’t make the show on YouTube, and they are just as cruel. Santa is so going to put a lot of coal in Kimmel’s stocking this year. What a big meanie.
Seriously he ruined Halloween for a lot of people this year, including me. I was going to dress my cat up for the holiday but I didn’t after he ran this PSA on his show. Such a huge meanie.

UPDATE: Here is the raw video of the two cutest kids from the video!


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